PSPA 2007


The conference bus will start from Wroc³aw to the conference site on September 2, at 3.00 p. m, from in front of the Institute of Experimental Physics of Wroc³aw University ( Max Born Square, 9)

The conference bus will leave the conference site (L±dek Zdrój)  at 3 p.m on Friday (September 7) and reach Wroc³aw between 5.30 and 6 p.m.

When registering, please indicate whether you would like to go by bus.

Wroc³aw has direct flight connections with Copenhagen, London, Frankfurt, Munich  and Warsaw.
For details please visit Wroc³aw`s website

The bus connection between
Wroclaw and Ladek Zdroj:

Wroclaw bus station is behind Wroclaw main railway station.
Bus departure from platform in Stronie Slaskie direction at 11:40 and 19:40.
It arrives to Ladek Zdroj at 14:10 and 22:10 relatively.
The price of the ticket is 21,10 PLN. You have to pay only in PLN, but there is a possibility to exchange money at the bus station.