PSPA 2007


Proceedings of the 37th PolishSeminar on Positron Annihilation, Lądek Zdrój, 3-7 September, 2007

  1. The Proceedings will be published as a special volume of  Acta Physica Polonica A.
  2. Contributed papers must be on orginal work and have not been published or submitted elsewhere. Invited papers may be critical reviews but not summaries of work under discussion. Papers are not automatically accepted because they are part of the conference.
  3. All papers will be refereed.
  4. All manuscripts should be typewritten in good English. Autors whose native language is other then English; should give special attention to English grammar and spelling.
  5. The technical quality of the manuscripts and standards of Acta Physica Polonica A as stated the ‘Instructions for Authors’, available at the Author’s  Gateway:
  6. Completed manuscripts are limited to 4 – 6 printed pages for individual contributed pages and 8 – 10 printed pages for invited papers. Contributions in the form of (extended) abstracts cannot be accepted. Note that any single table or figure takes 150-200 words.
  7. The following contact details of the corresponding author should be clearly indicated with every manuscript: e-mail, telephone and fax numbers.
  8. An original plus one (printed) copy of each contributed paper will be collected during the first day of the 37th Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation.